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Public Accounts Committee meeting with Industry

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee summonned the pharmaceutical industry to a proceeding as witnesses on the subject of the healthcare insurance premium increase, hospital charges and the impact on public health, under the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Health and Bank Negara Malaysia.

The proceeding was held on 6th March 2025 before the PAC, chaired by Datuk Wira Hajah Mas Ermieyati binti Haji Samsudin together with several members of Parliament who are PAC members. The witnesses called were from MAPS, Phama, MOPI and MPS. MAPS was represented by the President.

Good Governance in Medicines modules discussion

A discussion was held to develop GGM modules for private sector chaired by Pn Nur' Ain Shuhaila binti Shohaimi, deputy Director, Bahagian Dasar & Perancangan Strategik Farmasi , PSP on 24 Feb 2025. So far MOH has several modules for public sector, both for Provisionally registered pharmacist (PRP) & fully registered pharmacist (FRP):
  1. Modul pengenalan (Introduction Module)
  2. Modul tadbir Urus Ubat-ubatan yang baik(Good Governance fo Medicine Module)
  3. Modul Integriti & Etika(Integrity & Ethics Module)
  4. Modul Garis panduan keselamatan & pengendalian stok di fasiliti kesihatan & kes sebenar. (Security Guidelines & stock handling in health facilities & actual cases Module)
  5. Modul tindakan tatatertib & hukuman(Disciplinary actions & penalties Module)
Moving forward, task force to be formed and MOH will share the slides for industry feedback first; followed by a brainstorming session at Dewan Serai Wangi.

Public engagement by Public Accounts Committee on the Insurance Premium Hike and Private Hospital Charges

Medical insurance premiums rising by 40 to 70% has caused some public outcry. Read about it here. The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has started a series of engagements to investigate this issue. The first was conducted in Penang last week, and the second public engagement was held at the Parliament on 21 Feb 2025.

MAPS president attended this meeting which was chaired by YB Sim Tze Tzin together with several other members of Parliament with representatives from the Bank Negara Malaysia and many other government agencies. Over 570 persons attended, with 51 persons from all walks of life who spoke at this session that was held from 9 am to 12.30 pm.

While the President spoke on the general role of pricing and generics in managing healthcare costs, the PAC has extended an invitation for a closed door session in March. We hope to be able to present a more comprehensive position when we attend the session involving the 3 industry associations. Members are encouraged to provide feedback to the secretariat by end of February, to allow time for our views to be fully captured when we meet the PAC.

Technical Committee meeting for DUNas 2025 component 2: Quality , Safety & Efficacy

MAPS attended Technical Committee DUNAS Component 2: Quality , Safety & Efficacy which was chaired by Pn Rosliza Lajis, Deputy Director, Centre of product & cosmetic evaluation on 19 Feb 2025. Below are few key points:
  1. For NPRA to reach WHO maturity level 3, requires 65 institutional development plans (IDP). 56 IDP on going, 19 requires amendment to Sales of Drug Acts 1952. Amendment to SODA already published in UPC.
  2. For NPRA to be recognised as ICH members, requires funding. Tabung Amanah L720 set up to receive donation from associations.
  3. Cell Gene Therapy registration guidelines to be published in Q2 2025. Currently only 1 product approved. 6 GMP inspections , 1 GLP and 1 CTIL/ CTX.
  4. First in human FIH clinical trials. 6 applications received to conduct FIH study locally.
  5. NPRA as statutory body idea rejected by MOF. Instead to pursue as Badan Ber-autonomy.
  6. Online sales of illegal & falsified medicines a total of 11527 cases in 2024 leads to related advertisement removal in local e-marketplace.
  7. Enforcement to reduce sales of unregistered products reduction by 60% achievement.
  8. Pharmaceutical Tract and trace (PTTS) to be in 1st phase voluntarily basis for all poison target to start in 2027. July 2025-June 2026 to set up repository system. The company that wins the tender of hologram will be task to set up this repository as well.
  9. PV inspections- 9 companies volunteered to be inspected. 2 companies from MAPS passed the inspections. Change of Acts requires to involve mandatory PV.
  10. 5 test methods developed locally by NPRA to test vaccines.
  11. FRP facilitated registration pathway. NCE:9, Biologics: 6 Generics: 3 approved under this pathway in 2024.

E-Labelling Committee Meeting no. 1/2025

E-Labelling Committee Meeting no. 1/2025 was held on 18 Feb 2025 Chaired by Dr Azuana Ramli, Director of NPRA. MAPS represented by Tharishini, Hui Wei, Ee Lin , Phuvi and Siew Mei. Below are some key points:
  1. Pilot Study on E-labelling second round of data analysis on going and presentation will be held in Mar/April 25.
  2. Video of E-labelling will be translated from English to BM. To display at NPRA Facebook page, NPRA website consumer section.
  3. 30 biologics, 261 generics and 96 NCEs with a total of 387 products approved for e-labelling.
  4. To open to non-association members by July 2025.
  5. To expand to OTC by July 2025.
  6. Quest 3+ down time in Dec due to hardware issues, measures have been undertaken to prevent such occurrence. Quest 5 will be cloud based.
  7. To move "Technical evaluation summary" to another landing page. It is a requirement to publish this for public access.
  8. NPRA to discuss internally if bundling of variation is allowed.
  9. Wait for study outcome, to decide if DHCP letter is still needed.
  10. Cannot share pack with other countries which implement E-labelling due to different QR code used. Future to have 1 international pack, with 1 QR code. Geo-fencing at backend, so that each country will direct to different landing pages. Possible to harmonized within ASEAN. Ideally, ASEAN regulator to accept MY e-labelling.

Technical Committee meeting for DUNas 2025 component 5: Partnership and collaboration for the healthcare industry

Technical committee for Dunas component 5: Partnership and collaboration for the healthcare industry was held on 17 Feb 2025, chaired by Dr Azuana Ramli, Director of NPRA.

Below are a few key points:

  1. Disposal of medicines by consumer via community pharmacists MY Medisafe was launched on 25 Sept 2024.
  2. Pilot project of E-prescription from KKM facilities to Community pharmacies was started on 2 Dec 2024 within Penang state, with 4 KKM facilities (Hosp P Pinang, Hosp B Mertajam, KK Jln Perak, KK Seberang Jaya) involved with 55 community pharmacies.
  3. Based on study, Estimating Community Pharmacists Service Fee, a proposal for service fee of RM6 per repeat prescription was made. RM1 will be paid to ProtectHealth as service purchaser for the purpose of service management of Ubat%40Komuniti which includes training and monitoring of services given by community pharmacies involved.
  4. E-pharmacy task force to be formed by MPS - enforcement.
  5. Pharmacy Research Priorities Malaysia (2nd edition) was launched by YBMK on 19 Aug 2024. 11 studies published which is collaboration between private-public sector. Mainly by the universities.
  6. Regional collaboration strategy for ASEAN Drug Security & Self Reliance (ADSSR) Plan of action to be postponed to May 2025.
  7. Tabung Amanah L720 was set up to receive donation from associations or 3rd parties for the purpose of NPRA achieving ICH accreditation. The fund will be used for training purposes.

Technical Committee meeting for DUNas 2025 component 3: ACCESS TO MEDICINES

On 7 Feb 2025, JKT Dunas component 3 Access to Medicines was held and chaired by Pn Wan Noraimi, Director of Pharmacy Practise and Development. This is to update all stakeholder of the direction and status of the implementation. An executive summary is available here.

Technical Committee meeting for DUNas 2025 component 1: GOVERNANCE IN MEDICINES

On 4 Feb 2025, JKT Dunas component 1 Good Governance of Medicines was held and chaired by Puan Siti Aisah binti Bahari, Director of Policy and Strategic Planning, PPP for 2022-2026. This is to update all stakeholder of the direction and status of the implementation. Revision of GGM training framework achieved with 32 trainers trained and 386 participants attended the workshop. Guidelines on MY CPD KKM to be published by early 2025. 1115 pharmacists were granted credentialling within MOH.

Engagement session on DG's Directive regarding Poisons Act

On 8 Jan 2025, PSP Enforcement division conducted a dialogue with all stakeholders including MAPS to inform of upcoming amendment in Poisons Act 1952 to:
  1. increase an additional of 7 antibiotics [ Apramycin, Bacitracin, Enramycin, Tiamulin, Trimethoprim, Virginiamycin and zinc bacitracin] under prohibition to sell wholesale for use as food products promoting growth or prophylaxis of animal use by any licensed pharmacists.
  2. prohibit to import and /or sell nicotine for manufacturing of cigarette productss by any licensed pharmacists.
These directives are to contain antimicrobial resistance and also to safeguard the professionalism of pharmacist in not promoting cigarette. The prohibition on nicotine does not extend to products for tobacco cessation, eg chewing gum and patches.

Good Submission Practice Workshop

On 20 to 21 November 2024, NPRA generics division held a good submission practice workshop. Slides deck has been emailed to everyone on 19 Dec 2024. Good submission practice would ensure that both sides, ie the regulators and companies get the approval quicker. 3 points to take note:
  1. Dossier can be submitted for evaluation after getting GMP inspection date only.
  2. For study specific BE centre inspection, dossier can only be submitted after 20k payment been made to NPRA.
  3. Q2 2025 NPRA will require Quality Overall Summary (QOS) to be submitted in the relevant section.

MAPS Dinner 2024 Photos

Please click on this image below to go to the link page.

Award: Honouring Pharmaceutical Services Programme (PSP)'s Leadership in Crisis Management - Pandemic Resilience

During MAPS dinner on the 13th anniversary, MAPS honoured the PSP Leadership in Crisis Management during the pandemic for Pandemic Resilience. The text of the citation is here.

Photos of the dinner will be uploaded soon.

Stakeholders Engagement session with NPRA

A dialogue has been conducted between NPRA and all Stakeholders on 15 Nov 2024, regarding the below changes: 1st Topic: Risk-based Product Quality Monitoring (Risk-based PQM) Intro: Currently the PMS is done for each product once for every 5 years life cycle. Initially there are 4 steps (IMG_2031). With this risk-based approach, there are 8 steps (IMG_2033). IMG_2033 are the steps involving PRH.
  1. This will involve all products except cosmetics
  2. Targeted to implement in Q3 2026
  3. Will start the process of selecting the products for PMS based on risk-based assessment in 2025-2026 Q1/Q2. During this period, NPRA will email the PRH the list of products. PRH to ensure complete and updated documents for sections E12, P5.1 and P5.2 are uploaded to Quest 3+ according to the list of products as NPRA will use those documents to test the samples of the selected products. Uploading in Quest 3+ will be done through data cleaning module.
  4. Directive for this new type of PMS will be out next month.
2nd Topic: Vaccine : Method Transfer and Method Verification
  1. Currently Method Verification is done for locally manufactured vaccines. For imported vaccines, only evaluation of documents is conducted.
  2. As NPRA had a finding during their WHO audit last year, this initiative is taken as a measure to close the finding.
  3. NPRA will be building a new laboratory facility in 2027 to carry out method transfer for all vaccines, including imported vaccines.
  4. In this Method Transfer and Method Verification, manufacturers are to transfer the method to NPRA and NPRA will use the method to do the testing in the new lab.
  5. Targeted to implement in 2027 when the new facility is ready. NPRA will start with testing according to priority. However, "exclude" does not mean forever but just for the time being.
  6. For vaccines registered in 2025 and 2026, method verification will be done in 2027. NPRA will provide list.
  7. PRH responsibilities are listed out in IMG_2056.
  8. Full cooperation from the industry is needed because if the method verification fails, then the product will be rejected.
  9. All cost for method transfer and method verification is to be borne by the PRH.
  10. Method verification will only be done once for the whole product’s life cycle.
  11. Lot release is not method verification. Hence, lot release still needs to be done. But for imported lot release, lot release testing not done.
  12. NPRA will update if there are any changes in the future.
3rd Topic: API requirements in natural products registration 2 Batches of COA for API of natural products required to be uploaded to Quest system. And upon receival of raw material, testing needs to be conducted according to monograph specification. Implementation date is voluntary from 2025 until Dec 2027; Mandatory from 1 Jan 2028.

Insights into New Guidelines: MOH Medicine Formulary Dossier Submission and Medicine Access Scheme

MAPS attended a Workshop entitled "Insights into New Guidelines: MOH Medicine Formulary Dossier Submission and Medicine Access Scheme in Public Health Facilities for 2024" by Pharmaceutical Services Programme, Ministry of Health (MOH) on 5 November 2024 (Tuesday) from 9 AM to 5 PM. 4 slide decks have been circulated to members' CEOs via emails on 15 Nov 2024.

Site Specific Stability Study meeting

An online discussion on site specific stability study had been conducted on 5 November 2024 between NPRA with 3 associations MAPS, MOPI & PhAMA. NPRA has taken MAPS proposal to adhere to Asean guidelines and to reduce the requirement when multiple API manufacturers are proposed for the Finished product to a commitment to conduct finished product stability study for 1 production batch only instead of 2 or 3 production batches. The amendment will be enforced in Jan - July 2025.

Monash University Pharmaceutical Science Advisory Group meeting

Monash University Pharmaceutical Science Advisory Group meeting met online on 21 October 2024. The terms of reference for the group is to provide expert advice and professional guidance on matters and needs relating to the Pharmaceutical Science Programs (the Programs) at Monash University Malaysia (MUM).

The Group will undertake the following activities:

  • Provide an avenue of communication between the University and the pharmaceutical industry, advocating for advancement in pharmaceutical science and the industry.
  • Provide external and professional feedback on the suitability of the undergraduate and postgraduate Pharmaceutical Science curricula to meet the current and emerging needs of the industry.
  • Advise on the educational and training needs and outcomes of the professional internships, including needs related to supervisors.
  • Assist with any relevant course accreditation and recognition matters.
  • Act as a sounding board to assist the development of new ideas and initiatives in support of quality improvements.
With this program, the course is targeted towards an industry lean, which will provide potential talents who are much more inclined to the challenges of the industry.

Farewell Lunch for NPRA Director

On 4 Oct 2024, MAPS Regulatory Affairs subcommittee had a farewell lunch with Pn Rosilawati , Pengarah of NPRA to celebrate her retirement and to thank her for the support she rendered to MAPS all these years while she was in service.

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