Malaysian Association of Pharmaceutical Suppliers (MAPS)
 President's Message December 2023
Since the last message, many events have taken place.
MAPS Representatives attended the 35th Pharmaceutical Product Working Group (PPWG) Meeting and its related meetings in May where various ASEAN Harmonization measures discussed and approved.
MAPS also attended several e-labelling meetings.
Our views were presented on Medicine Price Transparency mechanism, and following that were granted a meeting with the Deputy Secretary General (Finance) of the Health Ministry. One of the outcomes is that the Health Ministry has agreed to conduct a workshop for MAPS members on procurement. Please keep an eye out for this workshop.
The government is also pushing for National Pooled Procurement of some medicines. MAPS has given our views and as a result the guiding principles of selecting the medicines has been agreed.
MAPS was also invited to the launch of the New Industrial Master Plan where the Prime Minister spoke on the impact to the nation.
MAPS was able to present views at the dialogue with the Health Ministry on the upcoming budget which was chaired by the Health Minister.
For more news about recent happenings, do visit our events/photos page. MAPS President's interviews by The Chamber Guy have been posted on YouTube. Links are as follows for
Part 2
Part 1
As we approach the year end, it harks the dawn of a new year too. Please be reminded that MAPS' role is made possible by a strong membership. Our membership has grown substantially this year and we hope to increase our membership from strength to strength so that our interests are well represented.
Next year is an election year, and several current Board directors will be retiring. We thank the directors for their service, and hope that there will be new directors coming on board to provide fresh impetus.
The Health Ministry has also issued a fresh update on the Covid-19 status. Please click for the press release, so that you get the official statement on the status, which is very important to counter all the other communications which may not fully reflect the status.
Finally, we wish you and family "Blessed Christmas and New Year". May you have safe journey if you are travelling in this holiday season.
Thank you.
Also on this page: links for Membership Application Form, Code of Conduct, Membership list, Member login
If you would like to read previous messages by the President, please visit our archive (click this)
Foreword by the PresidentI am delighted to welcome you to the MAPS website and I hope you will find the information provided here to be useful for the pharmaceutical industry in Malaysia.
I welcome participation from members to be active in subcommittees that have been formed in order to make MAPS an association where everyone can openly suggest, exchange ideas, share issues and values of common interests. Membership of MAPS is open to any company involved in pharmaceutical trade (importer and / or distributor) in Malaysia.
I look forward to warmly welcome you into MAPS.
Why we exist
The first gathering of “like-minded” interest Group for the formation of the “Malaysian Association of Pharmaceutical Suppliers (MAPS)” was on 17th March 2011 held in the premise of Medispec, Taman Mayang, Petaling Jaya.
MAPS was formally registered with the Registrar of Society on the 17th November 2011.
It was formed to fill in the "missing piece" in the trade representation in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
MAPS is having representations and engaging with the relevant Government bodies like the Bahagian Farmasi, BPFK, PEMANDU, MyCC, etc, on issues relating to the pharmaceutical trade.
MAPS is in the forefront of issues facing the Industry which means that the voices and interests of MAPS will be heard and considered. Thus, MAPS will have the opportunity to continuously collaborate and consult on the policies and regulations affecting the industry.
Board of Directors
Office Bearers |
 President: Lim Teng Chyuan |
 Vice-President: Shamshul Baharin
 Secretary: Heng Thin Fook |
 Assistant Secretary: Dharshen Kumar A/L Thirunahaikarasu |
 Treasurer: Mathew John | |
Board Members |
 Francis Ang |
 Kwang Li Lin |
 Tan Pei Leng |
 Dr Yeo Tun Wee |
Secretariat |
 Associate Director Chong Siew Mei |
Board of Directors of former terms
If your company qualifies to be a member, and in concurrence with our goals, please apply for membership. Click here for the membership form.
Committee | | Chairman | Organization |
Ethics | | Lim Teng Chyuan | Somedico |
Regulatory | | Heng Thin Fook | Medispec |
Social & Sports | | Mathew John Dharshen | Jetpharma Zulat Pharmacy |
Trade Practices | | Shamshul Baharin | Averroes |
MAPS, over the years has been increasingly recognised as being valuable to various external organisations, both government and private, ranging from human capital development to policy development. MAPS has been invited and has accepted to be represented in various
Technical Working Groups/External committees/Advisory Panels.
MAPS practises a high ethical code. Members are required to abide by this conduct to ensure that the industry maintains a high level of integrity. Click here for MAPS' code of conduct.
Members of MAPS are Malaysian Companies which import pharmaceuticals into the country. They represent principals from Europe, North America, Asia, Oceania etc. The principals may be R&D or generic manufacturers from these regions.
As an association, MAPS is committed to build the industry together with the respective government authorities and the industry stakeholders. The country has to have an industry that is conducive to attract investments with an ecosystem of "fairness, healthy, vibrancy, dynamic, skill and knowledgeable" and "an equitable, accessible and affordable healthcare for the rakyat in the country".
Click on this to view the membership list.
Click here to enter the members-only pages.